On 2nd and 3rd December, a small delegation from our consortium was invited to the DFG in Bonn to have our proposal reviewed by an international group of reviewers. Xenia Specka (ZALF), Ulrike Stahl (JKI), Claus Weiland (Senckenberg), Jan-Henrik Haunert (University of Bonn) and Matthias Lange (IPK) followed this invitation and represented NFDI4Agri. Uwe Heinrich, our spokesman, was unfortunately unable to participate in this round due to illness and was represented by Xenia Specka (ZALF).
In a 30-minute presentation Xenia, Jan-Henrik and Ulrike presented the main aspects of our proposal. The experts subsequently asked various questions. The experts showed great interest in the approach of the federal infrastructures as well as in the emphasis on the legal aspects. All in all, there was a friendly, constructive atmosphere during the evaluation, but no decision had yet been made.